Gmail Shortcuts: 75+ Most Useful

Gmail is one of the best email clients, with over 1.5 billion active users. However, many users are surprised to learn that many keyboard shortcuts can save you time when using Gmail.

There’s truly a shortcut for every feature in Gmail.

Gmail Shortcuts

Gmail Application Shortcuts

Here are some nifty keyboard shortcuts to help you compose new emails, open various menus, and get help using keyboard shortcuts in Gmail. You need to turn the keyboard shortcuts on to use the following shortcuts.

ActionWindows ShortcutmacOS Shortcut
Compose a new email. CC
Compose a new email in a new tab. DD
Search Gmail. //
Search Gmail chat contacts. GG
Open the More Actions menu in Gmail. ..
Open the Move To menu in Gmail.VV
Open the Label As menu in Gmail. LL
Open keyboard shortcut help in Gmail. ??

Gmail Navigation Shortcuts 

Here are great keyboard shortcuts to navigate Gmail easily.

ActionWindows ShortcutmacOS Shortcut
Go to the next page in Gmail.G + NG + N
Go to the previous page in Gmail.G + PG + P 
Go back to the Gmail thread list. UU
Go to the newer conversation in Gmail.KK
Go to the older conversation in Gmail.JJ
Open a conversation in Gmail.O or EnterO or Enter
Go to the next Inbox folder in Gmail.
Go to the previous inbox folder in Gmail.~~

Gmail Composing And Chatting Shortcuts

With the following Gmail shortcuts, you can add recipients to emails, insert links, get spelling suggestions, and more.

ActionWindows ShortcutmacOS Shortcut
Go to the previous message in an open conversation in Gmail.PP
Go to the next message in an open conversation in Gmail.NN
Focus on the main window in Gmail.Shift + EscShift + Esc 
Focus on the latest chat in Gmail.Esc Esc
Go to the next chat or compose a message.Ctrl + . ⌘ + . 
Advance to the previous chat or compose a message.Ctrl + ,⌘ + ,
Send a message.Ctrl + Enter ⌘ + Enter
Add CC recipients to an email.Ctrl + Shift + C⌘ + Shift + C
Add BCC recipients to an email.Ctrl + Shift + B ⌘ + Shift + B
Access a custom form in Gmail.Ctrl + Shift + F⌘ + Shift + F
Insert a link in an email.Ctrl + K ⌘ + K
Go to the next misspelled word in Gmail.N/A⌘ + ;
Open the spelling suggestions in Gmail.Ctrl + M ⌘ + M 

Gmail Text Formatting Shortcuts

With these keyboard shortcuts, you can instantly format your text while you compose messages.

ActionWindows ShortcutmacOS Shortcut
Previous Font Ctrl + Shift + 5⌘ + Shift + 5
Next FontCtrl + Shift + 6 ⌘ + Shift + 6 
Decrease Text SizeCtrl + Shift + –⌘ + Shift + –
Increase Text SizeCtrl + Shift and + ⌘ + Shift and + 
BoldCtrl + B⌘ + B
ItalicsCtrl + I⌘ + I
UnderlineCtrl + U⌘ + U
Numbered ListCtrl + Shift + 7⌘ + Shift + 7
Bulleted ListCtrl + Shift + 8⌘ + Shift + 8
QuoteCtrl + Shift + 9⌘ + Shift + 9
Indent LessCtrl + [⌘ + [
Indent MoreCtrl + ]⌘ + ]
Align LeftCtrl + Shift + I⌘ + Shift + I
Align CenterCtrl + Shift + E⌘ + Shift + E
Align RightCtrl + Shift + R⌘ + Shift + R
Remove Formatting Ctrl + \⌘ + \

Gmail Action Shortcuts 

From archiving emails to collapsing conversations, these Gmail action shortcuts will help you expertly use Gmail.

ActionWindows ShortcutmacOS Shortcut
Move focus to the toolbar. ,,
Select a conversation. XX
Toggle star/rotate. SS
Mute ConversationMM
Report As Spam!!
Reply RR
Reply In New WindowShift + RShift + R
Reply All AA
Reply All In New Window Shift + AShift + A
Forward In New WindowShift + FShift + F
Update ConversationShift + NShift + N
Archive Conversation] or [] or [
Undo Last ActionZZ
Mark As ReadShift + IShift + I
Mark As Unread Shift + UShift + U
Mark As Unread From Selected Message__
Mark As Important + or =+ or =
Mark As Unimportant 
Snooze BB
Expand Conversation ;;
Collapse Conversation
Add Conversation To Google Tasks Shift + TShift + T

Gmail Jumping Shortcuts 

Here are all the Gmail jumping keyboard shortcuts.

ActionWindows ShortcutmacOS Shortcut
Go to Gmail inbox. G + I G + I 
Go to Gmail starred conversations. G + SG + S
Go to Gmail snoozed conversations. G + BG + B
Go to Gmail sent messages. G + TG + T
Go to Gmail drafts. G + D G + D 
Go to Gmail’s “All Mail” folder. G + AG + A
Switch between sidebars in your Gmail inbox.Ctrl + Alt + , ⌘ + Alt + , 
Go to Google Tasks from Gmail.G + KG + K
Go to Gmail labels. G + LG + L

Gmail Threadlist Selection Shortcuts 

Here are handy keyboard shortcuts to select different emails in Gmail.

ActionWindows ShortcutmacOS Shortcut
Select all conversations in Gmail.* + A* + A
Deselect all conversations in Gmail. * + N * + N 
Select read conversations in Gmail.* + R * + R 
Select unread conversations in Gmail.* + U * + U 
Select starred conversations in Gmail.* + S * + S 
Select unstarred conversations in Gmail.* + T * + T 

How To Turn On Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts 

To use the great keyboard shortcuts outlined in this article, you need to ensure keyboard shortcuts are turned on in Gmail.

You can do that by following these four steps.

Step One: Log Into Gmail

Firstly, you’ll need to log into your Gmail account on your Windows or macOS computer.

Step Two: Go To Settings

Once you’ve logged in, click on Settings in the top right corner of your screen.

Step Three: Select “Keyboard Shortcuts”

You can now locate the “Keyboard Shortcuts” option in the Gmail menu.

Step Four: Turn Keyboard Shortcuts On

You can now ensure Keyboard Shortcuts are turned on. Once you’ve enabled these shortcuts, you can click the “Save Changes” button. You’re now ready to use these fantastic keyboard shortcuts and save time while using Gmail.

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