Have you heard of an assertive personality? While this personality type is often villainized for being too straightforward, there are many excellent qualities of having an assertive personality.
Let’s consider some of the traits and qualities assertive people have.
Assertive People:
1. Assertive People Express Their Opinions Well
One of the first things you’ll likely notice about an assertive person is that they express their opinions well.
They are usually well-spoken and don’t have trouble telling others how they feel about something or what they mean.
This makes assertive people great public speakers who can communicate their points without a hitch.
Assertive people aren’t often misunderstood, as they make their intentions clear. While it might be intimidating to approach someone with an assertive personality, you will always know precisely where you stand with them.
Assertive people don’t beat around the bush when communicating with others or expressing their opinions.

2. Assertive People Are Good Communicators
Because assertive people aren’t afraid to express their opinions, they are generally good communicators.
For example, if an assertive person is selected as a team leader for a project at work or school, they will communicate with the team to ensure everyone knows what is expected of them.
Assertive people will take the time to ensure everyone understands what is going on during a group project, and they will communicate their goals and progress clearly with other members.
It is also possible for an assertive person to take over a conversation, especially in the company with someone who doesn’t communicate.
3. People With An Assertive Personality Are Emotionally Independent
Assertive people tend to be more emotionally independent. While assertive people crave recognition and praise for their hard work, they won’t sacrifice their opinions or morals.
Assertive people appear to brush off indifference easily and focus on the next task.
However, not all assertive people deal with rejection as well as you may think. Assertive people are used to internalizing their emotions at school and work and often deal with them at home where others won’t see them break down.
For this reason, assertive people are often regarded as calm amidst chaos.
4. Assertive People Are Usually Strong Leaders
Because assertive people are such good communicators and can express their opinions confidently, they often end up in leadership positions.
This is an excellent place for an assertive person, as they will communicate well with their team and ensure everyone is on the same page regarding work.
Assertive people may start to micromanage a project if they feel it is not done how they would like it.
In this case, you can tell an assertive person they are micromanaging you, as they don’t mind communicating with others, even those who differ from them.
5. Assertive People Know How To Draw Limits
Despite being good leaders and communicators, assertive people also know where to draw the line regarding work and personal time.
If an assertive person feels you are taking advantage of them or their time, they will tell you and clearly explain that you have crossed the limit by asking this of them.
If an assertive person sees unfair treatment, they will usually have no problem calling it out and saying that what the person did is unfair and that they have crossed the limit.
This is because assertive people also respect the limits of others and appreciate it when you tell them your limits.
6. Assertive People Can Say No Respectfully
Another quality of an assertive person is the ability to say no without being disrespectful. This also affects their ability to recognize and respect the boundaries of others and themselves.
For example, if you ask an assertive person to work late on a Friday evening, they won’t have a problem saying no and explaining that they already have plans or that your request is unreasonable.
It’s important to understand that assertive people can say no while being respectful of others.
They won’t make a scene in front of the office or call you out for something that isn’t personal. Instead, they will respectfully decline your request or invitation if they disagree with you.
7. Assertive People Aren’t Afraid To Pick A Side
Assertive people also aren’t afraid to pick a side, especially if they think one person or side is being mistreated.
Assertive people aren’t afraid to speak their minds and will tell you if they feel something is unfair, even if it means going against the group’s decision.
For this reason, an assertive person will also speak up for someone else if they feel it is necessary.
Their confidence ensures that they aren’t afraid to say how they feel about something, nor are they afraid of backlash when speaking up for someone.
8. Assertive People Aren’t Aggressive
There is a big difference between an assertive person and an aggressive one. Assertive people can state their opinion while being respectful.
This is true whether they agree with you or not. Assertive people can also share their opinions without bombarding you.
Aggressive people, on the contrary, tend to aim for intimidation when they have a conflicting opinion.
They will interrupt you and make sure you understand that they are in charge and what they say goes. This is not a characteristic of an assertive person but rather an aggressive person.
9. Assertive People Speak Up For Themselves And Others
As mentioned, an assertive person has no problem speaking up for themselves and others. If they see something unjust, they will point it out and explain why they think it is unjust.
If an assertive child sees another child get bullied, they will likely defend the other child, especially if they are smaller or weaker.
Assertive people often take the nurturing role at work and school, ensuring that everyone in the group is cared for.
While others may see this as a weakness, assertive people see this as an essential part of team building.
10. Assertive People Aren’t Afraid To Ask For What They Want
An assertive person will not only tell you when you have crossed their limits, but they aren’t afraid to tell you what they want or need.
So if you have an assertive person in your group, you’ll likely know what they are busy with and what they need from you.
An assertive person isn’t afraid to tell you when they need a break or if something is bothering them at work.
They expect you to fix the problem or help them fix it if you are their leader. They’ll also expect you to have their back during team meetings.
11. Assertive People Are Generally More Confident
Because they are good communicators and aren’t afraid to speak their minds, assertive people often appear more confident.
They radiate a natural sort of confidence, and they don’t need to fake their confidence when walking into a room.
This is another reason why assertive people usually make good leaders since they’re naturally confident in their abilities and infect their team members with the same confidence.
Assertive people often make others feel more confident, too, a skill that comes much in handy when leading a team where people have different personalities.

12. Assertive People Don’t Dwell On Past Mistakes
Finally, assertive people don’t dwell on past mistakes. Instead, they look forward and see how they can fix their mistakes.
They are sure not to make the same mistake twice; however, assertive people can be quite hard on themselves.
Nonetheless, after a letdown, you’ll surely get a well-worded pep talk from your assertive friend.
After that, the assertive person will help you look forward and feel excited about the next journey.
Final Thoughts On Assertive Personalities
Many benefits come along with being assertive and effectively expressing your opinions.
Good communication skills, the ability to lead others, and confidence are just a few advantages you’ll likely experience if you make a concerted effort to be more assertive.
If you want to improve in any or all of these areas, start by cultivating the 12 personality traits we listed above.
With time and practice, assertiveness will become second nature – giving you the professionally and personally fulfilling life you deserve.