Millions of people around the globe swear by the Pomodoro technique, a unique time management technique that boosts productivity by breaking work into focused intervals.
In this article, we’ll look at who this method is for, how to use the technique correctly, and what advantages you can expect from adopting this technique.
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What Is The Pomodoro Technique?
The Pomodoro Technique is a beloved time management method developed in the late 1980s by Francesco Cirillo.
Essentially, this method entails breaking work down into 25-minute intervals separated by short breaks. Each 25-minute session is known as a Pomodoro, the Italian word for tomato.
This method is called “Pomodoro” because Cirillo used an infamous tomato-shaped kitchen timer while developing the technique.
At the time, Cirillo was a student and used the method to organize his study schedule. More than four decades have passed, and now millions of people have adopted Cirillo’s technique
All you need to use this technique is a timer and a task that needs to be completed.
While we’ll outline how to manually use the Pomodoro technique later in this article, this method has gained popularity due to its integration into various time management apps and websites.
Today, many apps help people use the Pomodoro technique, including Todoist.
When using this technique to break your work down, you’ll find that tasks become more manageable, whether small or complex.
However, before we outline the steps to using the Pomodoro method, you might wonder whether this technique is right for you.

Who Should Use Pomodoro Sessions?
While the Pomodoro technique is used by millions of people, this time management technique isn’t suited to everyone’s needs.
The Pomodoro technique has proved to be a highly effective time management system for students. Regardless of what a student may be studying, the 25-minute Pomodoro sessions are long enough to get work done but not too long that it feels overwhelming.
However, you don’t have to stop using the Pomodoro method when you graduate.
This method is ideal for many lines of work, including design, coding, and writing.
Ultimately, the Pomodoro technique is ideal for any professional with much repetitive or open-ended work to get through every day.
This method is a great way to focus and boost productivity for those who are easily distracted.
However, due to the regularly scheduled breaks, this technique is also perfect for those who enjoy setting short, achievable goals.
You’ll be surprised how much you can get done in short 25-minute bursts.
How To Use The Pomodoro Technique
While many fantastic apps digitize the Pomodoro method, you can easily use this method without software.
Regardless of how you use the Pomodoro technique, you must understand the different steps well.
Let’s discuss the six steps in Francesco Cirillo’s original technique.
Step 1: Choose A Task To Complete
Firstly, you’ll need to choose a task to complete. What do you want to complete across your Pomodoro sessions? As we explained earlier, this technique is ideal for studying and for anyone with repetitive or open-ended work.
Step 2: Set Your 25-Minute Timer
Once you’ve decided what to work on, you can set a 25-minute timer.
While you can use your watch or smartphone to set a timer, you can also use a Pomodoro app or web application to track your sessions.
Pomofocus is a great website with a Pomodoro timer that accounts for short and long breaks.
You can even turn on a YouTube video like the one below to track a 2-hour session.
Step 3: Work On Your Task
Once you’ve set your timer, you should start working on your task. It’s important to avoid distractions while working on your task.
If you’re distracted, you won’t get any work done with this method. However, in the event of unavoidable distractions, take your short 5-minute break and start a new Pomodoro.
Step 4: Take A 5-Minute Break
Once your 25-minute ends, you can take a short 5-minute break.
To track your progress, you should record which tasks you have completed.
You can then use your break to check your phone or grab a coffee.
Step 5: Complete 3 More Pomodoro Sessions
You’re now ready to set your timer and start your next Pomodoro. You should repeat Step Two and Step Three for three more Pomodoro sessions.
Of course, this will bring your total Pomodoro count up to four sessions. Remember to record your progress after each session.
Step 6: Take A 30-Minute Break
Once you’ve completed four Pomodoro sessions, you can take a longer 30-minute break. Enjoy your break; you’ve earned it.
After the long break ends, you can start from Step One again and move on to your next task.
How Many Pomodoro Sessions Should You Do?
There’s no golden rule for how many Pomodoros you should do in a day.
You should repeat the process until you’ve completed all the tasks on your to-do list.
However, if you work full-time, there are sixteen 25-minute Pomodoro sessions daily.
Once you’ve started using this technique, you’ll be able to determine how many Pomodoros you typically complete daily.
Getting The Most Out Of Each Pomodoro Session
If you want to ensure you capitalize on each Pomodoro session, there are three principles you should apply.
Break Down Large Projects
If a task is too big to complete in four Pomodoro sessions, you should divide the task into smaller, more actionable steps.
By breaking down larger projects, you can ensure you boost your productivity and make progress on your task.

Combine Smaller Tasks
While larger projects should be broken down, smaller tasks should be grouped together.
If you have any tasks that will take less than one Pomodoro session to complete, you should combine them into one session.
Avoid Distractions While Working
As we expressed earlier, avoiding distractions is key to using this method.
Once you’ve adapted to this method, you’ll get used to this new unit of time and the breaks that come with it.
How The Pomodoro Method Improves Productivity
While 25-minute sessions may not sound like a lot, the Pomodoro technique has been proven to improve productivity.
After all, millions of people wouldn’t use the method if it didn’t yield results. Let’s discuss some of the benefits of using the Pomodoro technique.
Tasks Become Less Daunting
By breaking large projects into actionable steps, complex tasks become less daunting.
You can also compile smaller tasks to complete in one Pomodoro session. Overall, using this method will make your workload less intimidating.
When you’re not intimidated by the work that lies ahead, you can power through it.
Improves Your Attention Span
It’s been proven that our attention spans are becoming shorter every day. Luckily, the Pomodoro method can help improve your attention span.
With this method, you’re better equipped to compartmentalize your work and work in short, focused bursts.
Prevents Mental Burnout
Many people push themselves to work for hours on end. However, this unhealthy practice can lead to mental burnout and fatigue.
By using the Pomodoro technique, you’ll have regularly scheduled short and long breaks, which helps to prevent mental burnout and boost productivity during work sessions.